Wednesday, January 11, 2012

uncharted waters.

Today is the day! The day I officially commit to being a blogger. I have been contemplating the idea for quite a while now and after many failed attempts I am taking the plunge. It's not too late for new year's resolutions right? Speaking of which how are all of yours going? Jason's resolution to get up before 7am every day has failed miserably (muahaha). Thank goodness that is over!

Moving may be saying to yourself get to the I even have one? Answer: YES. I've created this little space of mine to fulfill all of my wildest dreams. Don't you roll your eyes, I'm serious over here. Wishing/hoping/crossing all fingers and toes that writing will hold me accountable to a few things. One. Being more crafty. Two. Sharing the joys & not so of married life, pregnancy & life with baby- which will come eventually...right? Three. Venting (even if no one is really out there and I am simply writing to the black hole which is the Internet:). See I told you, all of my wildest dreams.

So who am I anyways? The basics: my name is Bethany. I have been married for 10 months to the love of my life Jason and together we are having a sweet baby BOY...or GIRL ;) due March 16th, 2012. That makes me 30wks and 5dys and may I just say I feel that pregnant! This glow that people speak of is a fat lie...very FAT. So in an effort to combat the fat I got my hair done today. 
That is all for now. I hope you enjoy the roller coaster that is my life.

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