Tuesday, January 31, 2012

What are you having?

At this point in pregnancy (33 weeks & 5 days) there are no means possible to hide such an engorged belly. Because of this I am frequently asked "When are you due?" or the not so nice variation of "You're gonna pop any day now." "You're huge." Finally my personal favorite "You look like you should have had your baby already." Ouch. Following this question is the ever popular question of "What are you having?" My sister in law, Emily, sent me a picture (posted below) addressing this ever pressing question.
hehe harhar

More often than not people are taken back by the fact that I could not know the sex of the human being growing inside of me. This only encourages their curiosity and is followed by "What do you want to have?" or "What do you think you are having?" Lets be perfectly honest here. I have no stinkin clue. If you ask me I will say boy. Why? I don't know.

Initially the idea of having a boy scared me to death. Being from a family of 3 girls, the sound of crashing cars and machine guns have never found my favor. However, somewhere in the last 33 weeks something switched.

How amazing it would be to have a mini Jason?! I started to imagine this little boy mimicking his father's movements ever so closely. Wanting to do everything his daddy does. Growing up to be the man that he is: passionate, loyal, affectionate, faithful, confident. He is pretty good looking too if you ask me ;) I fell in love with the idea of having a boy. Now while I do realize that this little Jason I have made up in my mind follows a simple rule that I know not to be true. A little boy does not mean he will be exactly like his dad and a little girl does not mean she will be exactly like her mother. But its fun to fill my mind with such ideas.

Bottom line. Regardless of if baby Graebner is destined to wear blue or pink I will love him/her just as much.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Baby watch: 32 weeks

I had an appointment with my midwife today. Good news is the baby has been kicking me so much that I know everything is ok :) HE or she...is already working his or her little self down. I have some little feets shoved up under my ribs and get kicks frequently to remind me.

Not so good news...I have pregnancy carpal tunnel syndrome and my glucose levels are too high. So what does this all mean? The carpal tunnel is in large part due to my fluid retention, I'm basically a giant water balloon. It causes me to have achy joints primarily in my fingers and hips and wakes me up at night. Throughout the day it doesn't bother me as much because I am moving around and the fluid doesn't build up as much. It will go away after birth, as for now there is nothing I can do about it except drink parsley tea to rid my body of excess fluids.

As for the high glucose levels. I took the one hour glucose tolerance test on Monday. That consisted of drinking a highly concentrated glucola drink (mine was lemon-lime) then waiting an hour and having my blood drawn. The test results tell how well or not well your body is metabolising glucose. Apparently I didn't do so well. I now have to take another glucose panel. This one will consist of fasting for 10 hours, I will then have my blood drawn, drink the ever so pleasant glucola and have my blood drawn every hour for the following 3 hours. Sounds fun huh?  Then we will know for sure if I do in fact have gestational diabetes. Luckily like the carpal tunnel it does go away. However, women who are affected by it are often a higher risk for diabetes later in life. Gestational diabetes occurs in only 4% of pregnancies. One of the biggest concerns for gestational diabetes is excess growth of the baby. Too big of a baby often results in a Cesarean. Since we are planning an all natural birth that makes me a little uneasy :/ However I do find comfort in knowing that God is in control and things go by His plans not my own.

"A woman, when she is in labor, has sorrow because her hour has come; but as soon as she has given birth to the child, she no longer remembers the anguish, for joy that a human being has been born into the world."
~ John 16:21

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

uncharted waters.

Today is the day! The day I officially commit to being a blogger. I have been contemplating the idea for quite a while now and after many failed attempts I am taking the plunge. It's not too late for new year's resolutions right? Speaking of which how are all of yours going? Jason's resolution to get up before 7am every day has failed miserably (muahaha). Thank goodness that is over!

Moving on...you may be saying to yourself get to the point...do I even have one? Answer: YES. I've created this little space of mine to fulfill all of my wildest dreams. Don't you roll your eyes, I'm serious over here. Wishing/hoping/crossing all fingers and toes that writing will hold me accountable to a few things. One. Being more crafty. Two. Sharing the joys & not so of married life, pregnancy & life with baby- which will come eventually...right? Three. Venting (even if no one is really out there and I am simply writing to the black hole which is the Internet:). See I told you, all of my wildest dreams.

So who am I anyways? The basics: my name is Bethany. I have been married for 10 months to the love of my life Jason and together we are having a sweet baby BOY...or GIRL ;) due March 16th, 2012. That makes me 30wks and 5dys and may I just say I feel that pregnant! This glow that people speak of is a fat lie...very FAT. So in an effort to combat the fat I got my hair done today. 
That is all for now. I hope you enjoy the roller coaster that is my life.